(207) 751-5672

MON – Fri : 09:00 AM – 16:30 PM

Veterans’ Emergency Financial Assistance

The Veterans’ Emergency Financial Assistance Program (VEFAP), was created for veterans who suffer an emergency and do not have sufficient savings or access to other financial assistance to resolve it. Examples of grant assistance (up to a $2,000) for veterans who are Maine residents include – To prevent or resolve the veteran from being homeless; vehicle repair to maintain employment; illness of the veteran or family member that results in hardship; damage to the veterans home due to fire, flood, or hurricane that is not covered by insurance, up to $500 for a dental emergency (suffering pain and/or infection), and any other condition that puts the veteran at risk of not having the basic necessities of food, shelter, or safety. For more information, or to request financial assistance, please contact one of the following organizations:

American Legion

207-873-3229 www.mainelegion.org VEFAP application: https://mainelegion.org/pages/formsapplications.php

Fedcap – Veterans Forward

844-653-0316 Veterans Forward: www.maineveteransforward.org VEFAP application: http://maineveteransforward.org/financial-assistance/

Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services

207-287-7020 www.maine.gov/veterans